
The old ship’s fate seemed to be sealed. The Adelaar, built in the Netherlands during the imperial era, was rusting out in a harbor at the Baltic coast. No one cared about the barge, which had seen better days. Its time as a coaster was over. Then he was spotted by Bernd Pfeiffer, who was actually only looking for an anchor. He found him – attached to the Adelaar. Over many years he carefully restored the brig. Today it is a comfortable charter vessel, most of the time in Indonesia on its way to the most spectacular diving spots in the world. Recently the sailing trip started from Bali – heading for the Komodo National Park.

published in:
– unterwasser

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The fishermen of Raja Ampat

The Giant Trevallies are quick as arrows. The hunters are shooting through the water – too fast to spot them catching prey among the neon-coloured Fusiliers, who form instantly into a ball. It’s protecting the individual within it. One can hear the dynamic. As suddenly as the hunt started, it’s over. Quietness returns to the Magic Mountain. Mantas glide gracefully in. It’s a magical moment in breathless silence.

published in:
– Tauchen

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Every Little Helps

When the others raved about “muck-diving” as the greatest thing, it was a mystery to me for a long time. I could find nothing in looking for ‘critters’ on a muddy sea bed, those little and smallest of sea creatures, cranky to bizarre in colour, shape and movement. And if you are far-sighted, everything close to you gets blurred. The macro world remained hidden from me. A far better travelled friend sharpened my eye for that. He raved about Lembeh Street and the animal oddities that lived in it – and gave me a magnifying glass.

published in:
– unterwasser

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