Lying off Madagascar

If Dirk Fahrenbach cranks the outboard motor up, maybe the boat will cover the distance to Dimakya in time. It is worthwhile to take time for this country, he said. The fact is, we are too slow: The clouds catch up and drench the boat with rain. This flushes away the heat of the body. For 20 years now this German lives in the Philippines. A shower before the rainy season is hardly worth mentioning, he says and afterwards neither. Taking time for this country is Fahrenbach’s life’s work. For decades the fishing grounds were ruined by fishermen with dynamite. The dugongs were almost wiped out.

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– Silent World

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The Cockpit of the A380

Ingo Meyerdierks is now 46. When the teachers asked him back then what he wanted to be when he grew up, he answered, like all boys: “Pilot”. He was 14 and had his head in the clouds. The sky was always the gateway to the world to him. Meyerdierks is now head of Lufthansa’s A380 fleet. It is a year since the largest passenger aircraft ever built took off for the first time with passengers from Frankfurt Airport. Public interest was huge because of the sheer size of the wide-body jet. It continues down to today. With its height of more than 24 meters, the megaliner is superior to most goings on at international airports.

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Stone Age

It is like traveling through a picture book. Being part of the story helps you pay more attention to what is happening. You look longer. The coast is lined with sandy beaches in picturesque bays, then the landscape rises and presents an outstanding panorama. Natural forces formed huge cliffs mainly on the Costa Smeralda in the northeast and in the northwest of Cape Caccia, rock formations reaching up to the horizon which then drop abruptly almost 200 meters down to the surf. The water is indigo blue. Below the surface are dozens of hidden caves, a highlight for divers with strong enough lights. In them everybody is an explorer and discoverer.

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– unterwasser

He who knows what women want

Dirk Bauer drives a Porsche. This car is the one fun factor in the life of the man from Bremen. It amuses him to reduce this toy down to a male stereotype. “The car is 24 years old,” he says, and the conversation about clichés leads to the professional achievements of the 42 year old. “Good Vibrations”: Bauer began his career with a handful of silicone and Plasticine at home at the kitchen table – today “Fun Factory” is one of the world’s best known companies in the production of women’s toys. Bauer is the head of a factory, which joined the global leaders in the industry in only a decade. “Fun Factory” produces sex toys: dildos, vibrators. Love balls.

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The tea man

In Moscow the other day they ordered 20 tons of the finest tea. Ralf Janecki’s company is progressing. The office of the Hanseatic Tea Export breathes the air of the big, wide world in the industrial harbor of Bremen. “We get up to 300 samples per day,” says Janecki. At the end of the day they are called “Althaus” tea or “Pure Tea”. These top varieties from the auctions in Mombasa, Calcutta and Colombo are not available in the supermarket. They are ordered by first rate hotels, or online. The customers rely on Janeckis nose. “90 percent of it is smelling, the rest is sipping.” The table with samples for tea tasting is eight meters long.

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