Manila fancies Hamburg‘s experts

Elmar Lutter works for Lufthansa Technik at the Ninoy Aquino airport. German engineers are on demand in the Philippines. The government wants to lead the country out of agony to something approaching western standards. Tin shacks and children searching through piles of garbage for recyclables are evidence of poverty. Lufthansa Technik, a global contractor for maintenance, repair and overhaul of passenger jets, is also engaged socially in Manila. The company trains local youths. They are filing, drilling, milling and welding into a secure future as a mechanic.

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The last anchorage of the Rubis

If you follow the coastal road to the southwest of Monaco, the vista inland stretches just to the Maritime Alps – the view is phenomenal. The blue of the water, the red rocks at l’Esterel and the lavender fields combine to a panorama which lasts for hours – the Côte d’Azur. There are villages carved in stone from another time and the glamorous health resorts with the rich and famous along the seafront. The sea off the coast retains yet another spectacle: it is a mystical experience to dive down to last anchorage of the Rubis.

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The free diver

Others are paralyzed by the breathless silence. Christian Redl lives more intensely in it for six to seven minutes. The Austrian is reckoned an eccentric in the diving scene. Recently he dived into one of the limestone caves on Mexico’s Yucatán peninsula. Outside scrub and mosquitoes, inside clean fresh water for a while – then nothing but a mystical fog of sulfur sulfate. Redl managed the 60 meters down to the bottom. Free divers find the meaning of life in depth and distance records. Average breathers can only imagine it, having seen Luc Besson’s “The Big Blue”. Redl is not attached to a pulling sledge, when going down.

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A dive into Thor‘s World

Once again twilight has dipped Iceland in soft light until the morning. You could see the ships out of the window at night, anchored in the bay. During the summer solstice, the sun never sets completely, nor rises again before the night is over. Starting this early in the day still takes getting used to – eager anticipation does not change this: we are on the way from Reykjavik to Thingvellir, inland. To experience the underwater world at the edge of the valley should outshine everything previously experienced: everyone is an intrepid explorer in the cave system of the Silfra crack.

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The Last Witnesses

How bad is it? Jaenicke: “It’s brutal. The film about the Arctic and the polar bear has been cut; it shows how cold-blooded big game hunters still shoot the animals down. The documentary about sharks is in the can. At the end we were in Spain. In Vigo they process fins en masse for the Chinese. This is not easy viewing. There is no animal that gets so misjudged and barbarically massacred as the shark! And why? Because some religions believe they have to cook shark fin soup and lots of people here consider shark-steaks and smoked strips of dogfish a delicacy.”

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